
“I herd goats and sheep in Northern California. It is one of my greatest joys to participate in the exchange of land and animal.”
It is my mission to participate in the pastural arts for the benefit of the next seven generations. I’m here to support a strong foundation for my community to build secure relationships with nature.
Scapegoat Grazing offers the ancient practice of shepherding ruminants through wild landscape. We use state of the art solar mobile containment for our herd matched with the ancient human relationship with land placing primary importance on a mutually beneficial exchange between ecology, animal, and human communities. Our work is founded on the seven generations principal working with land for the benefit of the next seven generations.

Presently our shepherdess Billie works with the goats and sheep providing management and stewardship of our client’s land. The grazing services can provide wildfire fuel reduction, increased soil fertility, increased ground water retention, a decrease of invasive species, and an increase of beneficial native species including wildflowers that provide habitat and forage for indigenous bee populations.

Billie’s commitment to healthy natural landscapes was born out of her fondest memories of her homeland in the coastal northern California mountains. Clean waterways, abundant native ecology, and thriving wildlife are all the butter to her bread. She has nurtured land and animal for decades.

Our work’s primary mission is to perform services that strengthen local relationships with the natural world. We provide solutions for landowners seeking to compound the viability of their land for long term exponential growth. These solutions include ways to eliminate harmful practices like poison use for vegetation management, eliminate using synthetic fertility inputs, eliminate using cultivation inputs derived from destructive mining, eliminate the use of livestock feed derived from mono-crop agriculture, and the dependence on enormous fuel usage in the supply chain to fulfill ecological fertility systems. Our aim is to nurture and grow trust of the natural world as we accomplish our goals.

Call Billie to book at (707) 495-2094